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Winter League Underway

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

Green 13 Gray 7

Pink 9 Black 8

Gold 3 Red 2 (Shootout)

Unfortunately, I didn't get much of a chance to watch the first 2 games last night, but some things stood out:

A. Denny Stinchcomb made his way back to the rink last night and made his presence felt by scoring a goal less than 10 seconds into the game. Shawn Logan scored a goal less than 10 seconds into the winter league last year and ended up scoring the championship game winning goal in overtime. Is this a sign of things to come for Denny Stinchcomb and team Green?

B. Team Green had a full squad which is rare for a draft league. This was Kaden Coulter's first game as goalie and made a pretty good showing for his first game. Some guys on gray complimented his play after the game was over.

C. No Kevin Smith for team Gray. It sounds like his availibility could be limited this season. Steve Kalgren has agreed to play part time to try to help them out. Peach and Tony Conforto showed up late. Peach was working while Mr. Conforto was trying to save a runaway (possibly stray dog) from getting hit by a car. He scored a goal shortly after making it onto the court.

D. No Austin Boyd for team pink last night, but they found a way to win thanks to a game winning goal from Zach Foradori with less than 30 seconds to play. Team black rallied from a 2 goal deficit with under 3 minutes to go to tie it before Foradori saved Pink from having to go to overtime. Team Black had some familiar faces playing alongside one another (Kline, Dorunda, Galentine) along with some new faces (Evan Novella and Steve Pentz). Novella scored a goal but was a little disappointed in the teams rotation. They had their full squad there last night.

E. Only one night in, but we have already seen a shootout. Robb Reed and Laken Dodd each scored for the Red team last night. They held a 2-1 lead going into the 3rd period before team Gold rallied to tie the game at 2 in the 3rd period. Bob Anderson may have to do some scoring in this league. He had 2 regulation goals and a shootout goal to help team Gold win a shootout.

F. Player of the Night -------------- Henry Sutter. Alex Waddell said that he knew Henry was good, but not this good when he drafted him. Team Gold ran into a brick wall last night. Luckily for them, they still won. After the game, no one was talking about Team Gold winning. They were talking about how well Henry Sutter played. No stats were kept, but he had to have made close to 50 saves last night. Team Red was missing Jordan Tosh. Team Gold was without Jeff Wehner and Justin Ritzie. How will Henry Sutter follow up on such a good performance last night?

Erika Dodd (Gray)

1. 13-7 loss last night. What can you say about the overall team effort? For the first game for the season we all played very well. A little rough around the edges but I believe we’ll get better the more we play together.

2. First game with a lot of different players. How do you think the team did? For the first game with new players we did pretty good. We all seem to work well together and it’ll only get better throughout the season.

3. Do you like draft leagues better than picking your own teams? Each type are definitely different but as long as The team and I have fun though the season it doesn’t matter to me.

4. What was it like playing on the walkers this past season? It was definitely awesome everyone on the walkers were there to have fun we didn’t care if we lost.

5. What exactly made you and all your siblings get into playing hockey (you have all made a good impression)? We started playing at open skates when we went to Edgewood’s rink and we all loved playing it. We all joined juniors and went up from there. Evan Novella (Black)

1. 9-8 loss to team pink last night. What can you say about the overall team effort in the loss? Effort was good

2. Were you happy with how you and your team played? Happy with how the team played but need to be more mindful of subbing players out.

3. Was the style of play what you expected? Yes

4. Team pink scored the game winner with less than a minute to go. What do you think went wrong on that play? Goalie bailed us out all night, we played soft defense but I think that's mostly just first-game-with-a-new-team issues.

5. Tell us a little bit about your hockey background and what made you decide to play in this league? Played some ice hockey in high school but always played roller hockey since i was 10

Mitch Dorunda (Black)

1. 9-8 loss to team pink last night. What can you say about the overall team effort in the loss? Overall it was a good hard fought game. It’s always a fun game when the teams are evenly matched so it could have gone either way.

2. Some familiar guys and some unfamiliar guys on this team. How do you think your team fit in together last night? It’s nice to see some familiar faces and keep some chemistry, but it’s also nice to meet some new players with different playing styles!

3. How do you compare Reynoldsville style of hockey to Brockway style? Reynoldsville is definitely a faster paced game with a lot less room, where Brockway you have a lot more time and space to move the puck.

4. Team pink scored the game winner with less than a minute to go. What do you think went wrong on that play? We scored two goals to tie it up, with just under 3 minutes to go, and I think after we tied it we got comfortable and Foradori made a nice shot to take the lead.

5. This is your first draft league in Reynoldsville. What expectations do you have for the team going forward? I expect great things from team black moving forward especially after the team chemistry builds. Expect to see us make a run in the playoffs.

Kaden Coulter (Green) 1. You got a little taste of organized hockey last night. What was it like for you? It was very fun.

2. Were you happy with how you played considering it was your first game? Yeah for sure we got the win and I stopped shots

3. Was the style of play faster than you expected? Kinda I’m used to people my age so I knew it would be faster

4. How do you think your team looked overall and what expectations do you have for the rest of the season? Team looked great scored some great goals and they were great defensively. I expect to win some more games

5. How excited were you to get to play last night? I was very excited to play with new people and play some hockey Robb Reed (Red)

1. 3-2 shootout loss last night. What can you say about the overall team effort in the loss? Great game, you always like to be on the other side of the result but still fun. Team effort was great, still getting to know each other, figuring out who's where.

2. It was your first taste of Reynoldsville league hockey. What was it like? Overall as expected. I did play in a tourny here a while back and have played with a few of the guys before.

3. You contributed half your teams goals last night. Were you happy with how you played individually? Well, it was nice to get one. I hadn't been on wheels in a couple months and havent played with a ball in years. Felt like I skated ok, a little weak with the ball but nothing too embarassing.

4. What can you say about the play or your teams goalie last night (Henry Sutter)? Henry was great, first goal I screened him. If we can keep him a little less busy and get him some more goals going forward I think we'll be in great shape.

5. Tell us a little bit about your hockey background and what made you decide to play in this league? Started playing roller in the Navy at age 23. Started playing on ice about 4 years ago. I play ice 2-3 times a week and add a couple nights of roller in the summer. We dont have any indoor roller over here so it is weather dependent. I run the summer YMCA roller league here in State College, so this is nice to just play and not have to ref all the games I'm not playing lol. Long drive but worth it to get on my wheels. Being a draft league was a big plus, also nice being able to carpool with Alex.

Denny Stinchcomb (Green)

1. You found yourself back on the floor last night. How did you feel after the game? I wanted to play more, it felt good to be back

2. Were you happy with how you played? Yes

3. How do you think the team looked last night and the new goalie (Kaden)? The team looked good, we had some good chemistry and communication and Kaden was instrumental in getting us the W

4. You had a full squad which is rare for a draft league team. How do you think you guys did rotating in and out for one another? I think we did ok, I'm sure we will get a better flow as the season goes on

5. How do you compare Reynoldsville style of hockey to Brockway? I'd say the biggest difference right now is the temperature, I saw a guy out there wearing a sweatshirt last night! But I guess that's why they call it Winter League, we get the full experience of winter hockey without skating on the ice

Steve Hetrick (Gold)

1. 3-2 shootout win last night. What can you say about the overall team effort in the win? There definitely was plenty of effort from our team last night trying to bury the ball in the back of the net. We were down in their end most of the game and kept them away from Adam the better part of it as well. Definitely a very fast paced game and a lot of well moving parts to add.

2. The team ran into a brickwall last night. What can you say about Henry Sutters effort in net? Henry was on fire last night, making many unbelievable saves. He robbed all of us a few times and just had the team in shock and disbelief. For how many shots we took and it still only being a 3-2 game is astonishing. Between my "high quality" floater shots trying to sneak in, Bob and Zach with their deeks, Freddy with a couple slappers and of course Brian with his spot on the floor at the ATM trying to cash in a couple goals for us, nothing was stopping Henry from putting together an amazing game for his team.

3. Only one game in, but how do you think the team looked overall (Despite the lack of goals)? I think the team looked really well and we only had 1 sub as well. We were missing a couple more key players as well so when they arrive I think we will do just fine. No worries from my end.

4. What was your impression of the opposing team (considering they got some new faces on their team)? The other team definitely will do well in this winter league if they keep playing how they did last night. A good mix of veterans and youth that should coincide with one another. Couple of the new players definitely have some experience behind them and they showed they will fit in this league just fine.

5. What kind of expectations do you have for this team going into the rest of the season? There are some stellar players on this team and I'm glad to be a part of it. I told Fred that I will have to step up my game if I'm going to be basically playing for the colonials... Especially since they just ended last season with the championship. I think this team will be among one of the top teams at the end of the season.

Green: Larry K Eric Llewellyn Denny Stinchcomb Steve Pompeii Jr. Peach Caltagarone Brenden Chesley Morgan Lyons Jason Duttry Kaden Coulter

Gray: Tyler Waltman Kevin Smith Brandon Vollmer Trenton Bembenic Erika Dodd Morgan Dodd Tony Conforto Dean Risser

Red: Alex Waddell Jerred Amick Jordan Tosh Robb Reed Laken Dodd Brian Pangallo Luke Manners Henry Sutter

Pink: Ryan Johnson Andy Calvert Austin Boyd Zachary Foradori Brice Miller Matt Cole Joe Roush Tony Dodd

Powder Blue: Dan Fatula Ben Rossi John Matchock Vinnie Deloia Phil Pompeii Josh Clontz Tony Benanti Timothy Herman

Black: Jake Kline Mitch Dorunda Nate Galentine Corey Bassett Evan Novella Steve Pentz Cody Haag Clint Lingenfelter

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