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Brandon Reiter

Brandon Reiter (Knights)


1.  7-6 loss to the Yeti last night.  What can you say about the overall team effort in the loss?   I feel the effort is always solid. It’s an opportunity to learn and adjust, and that is what we will look to do.



2.  There were a lot of penalties in this game.  How do you think your power play looked and how do you think the power play defense looked?  We got to practice our penalty kill a lot more than our power play. It was ok, they scored a few goals. So obvious room for improvement but it would be hard for any team to kill off that many penalties. I believe we had two power plays and scored on one of them. Not great, not bad. 



3.  Yeti appear to be coming on.  How would you compare them last night to how they played on opening night against you guys?  We knew they would be better and the chemistry would be there compared to opening night. And Adam looked good in goal. He robbed me on a few. 



4.  Eagles and Yeti have given you their best shot.  Do you think those games will better prepare you for the playoffs?  Absolutely. Despite the pedestal some in the league have put us on, we know there are quality teams that are capable of giving us a tough game.Our worst games up to this point are a one goal win and a one goal loss. Not a bad place to be. We will go into the playoffs confident but not overconfident.



5.  Colonials are reeling.  What kind of game are you expecting next week?  I am expecting the Knights to rebound with a convincing win. 

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