Bob Anderson
Brian Anderson
RJ (Fill in when needed)
Phil Mace
John Matchock
Kevin Smith
Fred Terwilliger
Tim Herman (G)
Jerred Amick
Austin Boyd
Zach Foradori
Larry K
Eric Llewellyn
Cody Schuckers
Alex Waddell
Henry Sutter (G)
Andy Calvert
Nate Galentine
Jake Kline
Noah Kline
Brandon Reiter
Cory Schuckers
Clint Lingenfelter (G)
Corey Bassett
Garrett Britton
Andrew Britton
Vinnie Deloia
Anthony Schuckers
Zach Smith
Jeff Wehner
Derrian Matchock/John Matchock and Rooster have volunteered to goalie if needed. In worse case scenario, we can use a goalie from a team with a bye if needed.
Corey Bassett, Zach Smith and Jeff Wehner have limited availibility. Matt Cole, Josh Clontz Steve Kalgren and Anthony Benanti are interested in filling in at times if needed. We have scheduled them for a double header on January 16th and March 6th (Zach Smith will be available on those nights).
Trenton Bembenic
Peach Caltagarone
Brenden Chesley
Cody Haag
Brian Pangallo
Tyler Stitt
Tyler Waltman
Derrian Matchock/John Matchock and Rooster have volunteered to goalie if needed. In worse case scenario, we can use a goalie from a team with a bye if needed.
Mark Chesley
Tony Conforto
Jake Deberti
Laken Dodd
Steve Hetrick
Morgan Lyons
Brice Miller
Jason Stamler
Tony Dodd (G)
Slap Happy
Joe Bussard
Derik Day
Jason Duttry
Dave Jewell
Nate May
Phil Pompeii
Steve Pompeii
Adam McKinley (G)