1. Nice win last night over team red. What can you say about the overall team effort in the win? After shaking the rust off from the first game, I think we worked very well together this week. We seemed to make much better passes/plays and communication seemed more on point.
2. Did you think there was a particular sequence that turned the game in your favor? We kept constant pressure on them the whole time. For a while it was a back and forth kind of game. I think they got a bit tired near the end and we took advantage of it.
3. Caleb is pretty new at Reynoldsville goalying. What can you say about his overall play and potential going forward after playing these first 2 weeks? Caleb is doing a great job, he has bailed us out a couple of times already. Reynoldsville is a bit faster pace than Brockway and there is more room to make better plays, so I'm sure that this may be a challenge for him at times. I think he will do just fine in the league.
4. 11 goals for the team. How was the team able to score that many goals? As stated before, we kept constant pressure on them. We made some adjustments from game one and kept at it all night
5. You think the team did ok at trying to contain Zach and Brandon? Zach and Brandon are really good players, I think we did better at containing Zach than we did Brandon tho. Brandon seemed to have our number, I think he scored the majority of their goals. But we were able to tighten up on defense, make better plays on offense, and Caleb got even better as the night went on to give us the win