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Interviews from January 13th Games


Jay Edmiston (Colonials)

1. 10 to 7 win tonight. What can you say about the overall team effort tonight? Definitely a gritty effort considering we only had 4 skaters. We got down early but stuck with it and kept chipping away. Big third period really took it home for us. That's a lot of minutes to log but the boys played a solid game and we got some huge saves late to seal the deal. Great team effort.


2. What was it like trying to adjust to roller hockey ? It's been a roller coaster for sure! I haven't really played since I started ice hockey at 16. Fortunately, I got a crash course in Brockway this Summer to get my game back a bit. There's a lot of little differences, things you can do on the ice but not on a roller rink, so it's been a big adjustment. But I think I'm starting to find my game and excited to keep going with it.


3. The team overcame a 4 goal deficit. What do you think the team did differently as the game went on? Don't know if we really changed a lot, just took a bit getting used to playing together. We've got some guys that can really move the puck out there so once we got comfortable with each other we really took off. We were able to build chemistry pretty quick and figure out each other's games so once we got that down everything just started to click. Those guys made it real easy for me out there.


4. You had 5 goals tonight and will be looked upon to carry the team this season. Are you looking forward to the opportunity, I'm a team guy, so I'll do whatever the team needs me to do. Obviously it feels good getting off to a hot start, and hopefully I can keep it going. At the end of the day I'm just focused on doing my part to help the team win.


5. Ironman tonight. How did you feel after the game? That was an exciting game, so I was still riding the adrenaline and feeling pretty good after. The next morning was a different story though, definitely feeling it after skating the whole game!


Josh Clontz (Eagles)


1. You are a scoring machine on this team. How much fun have these first 2 weeks been for you? It's been a lot of fun. It's nice to know Henry and the boys have the defensive zone under control, and I can just focus on offense.


2. How do you think the team has looked so far? Rock solid. Like I said, the defensive zone is locked down, and Lew and I have been logging points like it's our jobs.


 3. Walkers slowly hung around. What was your impression of them tonight? The score did not reflect their performance. That's a good team. When Denny and Troy start finding each other, they will be hard to stop.


 4. You weren’t going to play this winter. What made you decide to give it a go? It's a long story, really. I would rather be snowboarding this time of year, but when Amick called and told me about the Eagles Club got my attention. But then he said they need someone to replace Foradori, I immediately said I have no interest in floating around aimlessly all game taking a wrist shot or two high glove, and slamming into walls when I want to stop. He was like, "No, that's not what we need. We need a guy who can be a net front presence, score goals, and come to the club and eat pizza." After that, he told me the roster, and I was all in.


5. Off next week, then the colonials. What kind of game are you expecting? It should be a good game. Anderson teams are always a challenge, but we are ready for it.


Jeremy Johnson (Walkers)


1. 11 to 4 loss tonight. What can you say about the overall team effort in the loss?  We had a little group discussion about needing to play more positional hockey, not buch up as much, and I feel we did that a lot better, especially the 1st two periods. It's just a matter of everyone learning to play to our strengths, weaknesses, and trust in our teammates.


2. Did you consider tonight a better showing than last week? Definitely. I think if we had played our 1st game as well as we played in this game, the 1st game would have been a lot closer, and the outcome could have gone either way.


3. Are you feeling pretty good physically now that you have some more games in? Was happy to be able to play our 2nd game unexpectedly. Playing every other week is hard because I feel good, and then I feel like I lose any physical or mental progress I made by the next game


4. Expectations for this team are much lower than some of your previous xhl teams. Do you kind of like that better considering you haven’t played much hockey until recently?  It's a good thing for me. Previous teams I've never had much of a leadership role, I'm hoping I can bring some of my years of experience to this team. I'm still learning my own limitations. Definitely lost my speed and endurance, so I gotta rely more on positioning and patience.


 5. How do you think team chemistry looked tonight considering all the new faces?  . Looked MUCH better than our 1st game. Every game going forward I know we'll make improvements and continue to be more competitive. Just a matter of time and us all getting to play together more.



Zach Foradori (Bear Claw)


1. 10 to 7 loss tonight. What can you say about the teams overall play tonight? We played really good til we had to hold the lead at the end. Then everything just collapsed


2. You guys led 6 to 2 late in the 2nd period. Were you feeling good about your teams chances to win at that point?  Yeah we were playing good defense with the pieces we have. We don’t really have that big time defenseman but Laken has been holding her own back there playing well and peach always has a few plays every game to deny goals. But match played well late in the game and kept them in it.


3. What do you think went wrong in the 3rd period? Everything, defense was lackluster and we couldn’t get any shots through and the ones we did match stood on his head


4. What positives can you take out of the game? We’ve only played together for 2 weeks. Brice sucks but everyone else is still trying to figure each other out. Once we get some chemistry going I think we’ll be alright. But Brice is so freaking bad that it’s gonna be hard to build any chemistry with him


5. Llew didn’t give you the greatest encouragement last week. With that said, how would you compare yourself to clontz?  I should plead the 5th here because I won’t have another chance to defend myself until I get another interview… but I like to run my mouth so let’s do it. I think Clontz is the worst hockey player on the face of the earth. Anyone with legs and arms can stand pad for 2 weeks. We’ll see how he does against better opponents. Him and Llew just standing down by the goalie won’t work against some of the other teams. I think Clontz has fallen more times than he’s scored goals the past 2 weeks too. Dude can’t even stay on his feet out there. I honestly think I’d rather take a newborn giraffe on my team with 2 legs and a deformity than him. Everyone should take notes on him though, if you just swing your stick as hard as possible at the ball you’ll get lucky every once in a while. He’s got a shot that leaves the ground 22% of the time, I have a shot that goes in the net 78% of the time. He’s not even close to my level and with how gray his beard is it looks like he’ll never get to my level.

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